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Why does the Internet need IPFS (1)


IPFS is fascinating. Fundamentally, the goal of IPFS is simple and bold: to restructure the entire Internet by replacing http.


Our current Web version is sometimes referred to as Web2, and IPFS is its natural evolution of Web3.


Why is IPFS restructuring the entire network? This is because the current network has many flaws:


1. The current Internet speed is very slow and cannot support the upcoming Internet innovation and user wave.


At present, the Internet urgently needs more bandwidth, and the huge demand for the network continues to increase, but the cost of providing such content is high. Like Facebook, Google, and other similar companies, they spend billions of dollars to support their web architecture and make their content available to you. Of course, costs are allocated to users in various ways.


Because of this obstacle, many applications that would be useful to humans would not be implemented.


In addition, large files are not the only problem affecting the network. As more and more devices are connected to the Internet (computers, mobile phones, tablets, and even televisions), the overhead required to service these devices also increases.

To make matters worse, this trend is expanding. In addition to the large number of users in some newly industrialized countries (such as India), there are new concepts from the Internet of Things, etc. (The Internet of Things is designed to connect everything around you, whether it is a car, a door to a house, a lamp, a meter or other ...) Heavier burden on the Internet.


Therefore, we need an alternative that can be exponentially expanded, efficient and rapid development-IPFS.


2. Network security.


How do I know that the website I'm connected to is the correct website, not a phishing attack by a malicious hacker? Currently, we have established a certification authority system to prevent such incidents, but they require trust in a third party that is easily compromised.


There are fundamental flaws in the current system.


3. The current highly centralized Internet.


Let's take the monolithic Facebook as an example. Such a large company should always work and never crash ... But this is not the case. The fundamental problem is that our current web implementation is based on a client-server model. Basically, the client (browser) requests data from a central server (such as Facebook's server), and then the server provides the data.


Usually nothing is wrong, but when users suddenly flood in, a natural disaster, hacking or even a simple error in the code will crash, then we can't access their content.


4. Finally, the Internet is vulnerable to censorship.


In fact, the reasons mentioned above are enough to indicate that the Internet needs repair. However, we still need to take a moment to think about the impact of the Internet on us and the power that this impact gives Internet censorship.

We socialize, play games and work on the internet, and the internet is invading our sphere of life. Internet censorship means that what we see on the web may be censored by large companies or even the government. They may influence our thinking in this way.


This is terrible in itself, but the second method of review is even more terrifying. Imagine that you have been removed from linkedIn and you will no longer be able to network. Suppose you can't use email? As the Internet becomes more common, the consequences of being disconnected from the Internet are growing.

IPFS solution


IPFS is a solution that combines various innovations together. It will solve many technical problems of human beings. In this sense, it is similar to Bitcoin, and although it will not completely change finance, it will completely change the Internet and thus our lives.

Stay tuned for more!


In the next article, we will see what solutions IPFS proposes to address these issues.

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